Tuesday, 26 July 2011

26th of July - Tuesday

Hi everybody!
Today's class, Miss Zu said, we're not going to act, but still it was a speaking sessions, which is today Miss Zu continue with the debate sessions.
We need to divide into 4 group, which 7 person per group.
Two groups for Group Number 1, another two group for Group Number 2.
For the first sessions, Miss Zu starts with Group Number 1.
For Group Number 1, they got a topic to be debate for, and the topic is 'Does the baby hatch necessary in Malaysia?' Since Group Number 1 consists of two group, one must be government and the other one must be opponent.
For Group Number 2, we need to help Group Number 1 to elaborate the point for the agree and disagree of the topic.
Opponent team won for this sessions, because there's more the reason if we disagree with this topic. 
Click here for more reason 
Alright, for the second sessions, which is Group  Number 2 need to debate about the topic given, and the topic is 'Malaysia 's football team will represent for our country in World Cup 2014 at Brazil'
As usual, one group must be agree and another one must be disagree.
For this time, my group as government and we agree with the topic. But we're not lucky for this time.
And again, the opponent side won this sessions because of the point of disagree. 
I know, this is an academic sessions so we need to be a little bit serious, not like always we did for acting sessions which is sooooo happening, but it's different for today's activity.
In anyway, I still love this activity because it makes our brain work it out with the current issues.
Alright, thats all for today!

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