Tuesday, 28 June 2011

28th of Jun - Tuesday

Once she entered the class, it seems like she's in a moody mood.
She never been like this before, she looks so tired and yeah moody.
I thought she was mad at us because our class being soo noisy.
But, I don't think thats the reason why. 
Then, she called one of us from the list name and Ayu is the lucky one.
And then, Ayu have been asked to open up her blog for BEL120.
And after that, Miss Zu told us to put some url/link in our content. Okay, I'll fix it later.

Then, acting and speaking learning sessions. Well, tuesday!
Alright, for this week we need to create and act one scene based on the topic given and need to put some song in our story. It was like "Glee" or "High School Musical" movie.
For my group, we got the "Gotong-Royong" as our theme of the story.
And we decided to make a story like a group of student been asked by their teacher to clean up 
the park in our school.
But this girls were sooo lazy, until there's one song that related to our story and we create our own lyrics, its sounds like;

"Today we don't feel like doing anything, 
We just wanna stay in our class,
Don't feel like cleaning up the park,
Just let the cleaner do that job,
Because today we don't feel like doing anything,

That was some of our lyrics.I know its kind of funny. 
Yeah, the other group also did that, but in different song.
The best performance for this week activity is group 5, which lead by Faiq. 
Well, every group was voted for them. Hee
I did recorded their performance, but I don't have any devices to upload the video.
Sorry, maybe later?
And of course, I do like this activity. As usual. It's happening.
Alright, I wrote too much I guess.
I'll update you guys later!

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